==Kyle Kowalski is the founder of **[[Sloww]]**.== --- ## About: - Kyle Kowalski is an ex-marketing executive turned self-education entrepreneur after an existential crisis in 2015. In one sentence, his purpose is synthesizing lifelong learning that catalyzes deeper development. But, he’s not a professor, philosopher, psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist, scientist, mystic, or guru. He’s an interconnector across all those humans and many more—an “independent, inquiring, interdisciplinary integrator” (in other words, it’s just him, asking questions, crossing disciplines, and making connections). To keep it simple, you can just call him a “synthesizer,” and Sloww is his synthesis on the art of living for students of life. Over the last decade, Kyle has deeply explored lifelong learning, human development, intentional living, life purpose, mental mastery, spiritual growth, and much more. He shares his living and learning with 10,000+ newsletter subscribers and 50,000+ social media followers. [More about my story](https://www.sloww.co/about/). --- ### Links: - Website: www.sloww.co - Podcasts: www.sloww.co/podcasts - Full Reading List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19SYBbt972qQzpbC55Puvi52YInUwQSABHXFhPT_w_Ac/edit?usp=sharing --- ### Social: - Twitter: www.twitter.com/kykow - LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kykow --- ### Focus: #adultdevelopment #artofliving #awakening #consciouscapitalism #consciousness #consilience #contemplativepractice #creatoreconomy #education #elearning #enlightenedentrepreneurship #enlightenment #entrepreneurship #freewill #humandevelopment #humanpotential #integraltheory #intentionalliving #interdisciplinary #learninpublic #lifelonglearning #lifepurpose #lifestyledesign #meaning #meaningcrisis #metacrisis #metacognition #nonduality #onlinelearning #personaldevelopment #philosophy #psychology #psychospiritualdevelopment #purpose #selfactualization #selfawareness #sensemaking #simpleliving #slowliving #solopreneur #spiritualbusiness #spirituality #synthesizer #systemsthinking #toolsforthought #transcendence #transpersonalpsychology #wisdom