**Why does this site exist?** - It's a proactive response to [[Daniel Schmachtenberger]]'s [Facebook post](https://www.facebook.com/danielschmachtenberger/posts/10159804803496779): > "I wish there was a directory of meta-crisis solution-related work that I could reference. Would be an awesome project for someone." — Daniel Schmachtenberger --- **What is the "meta-crisis"?** - "Meta" often means "x about x" or "x of x." The focus of this website is the *meta-crisis*—a "crisis of crises" including the meaning crisis, education crisis, climate crisis, information ecology crisis, exponential technology crisis, and many more. You can learn more here: [What is the Meta-Crisis? (+ Infographics)](https://www.sloww.co/meta-crisis-101/) --- **What is a "meta-resource?"** - The website itself is a *meta-resource*—a "resource of resources" including all the people and projects involved in the meta-crisis in some way, shape, or form. You can read about the launch here: [Introducing the “Meta-Crisis Meta-Resource”: A Digital Directory of all People & Projects in the Wisdom Web](https://www.sloww.co/meta-crisis-meta-resource/) --- **What the site is and is not:** - It *is* a resource/directory focused on *curating* all people/projects involved in the meta-crisis and linking them together to make new *connections* (see all 250+ [[Meta-Crisis Hashtags|meta-crisis hashtags]]). This site *is not* a live feed of all the latest content from all people/projects. --- **Who created the site?** - [[Kyle Kowalski]], founder of [[Sloww]]. This project is an ongoing labor of love with no funding or ads. If you'd like to support me, there are a few [free and financial ways to support](https://www.sloww.co/support/). --- **How is the site built?** - It's built with [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/) and [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish). I thought it would be eye-opening to interconnect everyone involved in some aspect of the meta-crisis—Obsidian allows for textual and visual showcasing of the "wisdom web." --- **When did the site launch?** - Feb 25, 2022 --- **When was the site last updated?** - Mar 21, 2023