There are currently 175+ people and projects listed (with more on the way)!
All content on this site comes from publicly available websites and social media accounts.
**To add, edit, or remove pages**, please message me on Twitter: [@SlowwCo]( or [@KyKow](
**If you would like to add a new page**, please follow the same template of other existing pages and send me:
==A **short bio** goes in the highlighted area.==
- As much or as little information as you'd like to provide.
- Links include your personal website, main project website, podcast, etc.
- Social accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Medium, Substack, etc.
- This is probably the most important section because it's what interconnects all the people and projects! Please list every hashtag that's a focus/interest area to you and/or your project(s).